Monday, October 11, 2010


Last Friday, I went to see the Josse De Pauw / Corrie van Binsbergen collaboration "Over De Bergen" in Brussels.

Driving into Brussels is always a bit of a nightmare: you know where you want to go, but you can't tell when you'll be arriving. Last Friday was no exception. There were traffic jams all over the place. We were happy to arrive 15 minutes in advance. That's not exatly the best preparation for a concert, but hey, we did arrive, and we were on time.

The show took place at the "Theatre National". An excellent choice, as the concert hall has good seats and excellent acoustics.

I had quite high expectations as the line-up included both Josse De Pauw and Corrie van Binsbergen, plus a selection of the finest musicians one can find in Belgium and The Netherlands. Add the impressive soprano Claron McFadden, and you know that it can't go wrong.

Did the show redeem my expectations?
Absolutely. The performance itself was breathtaking.
The musicians were placed in a three-dimensional palisade while performer Josse De Pauw wandered the stage, climbed the wooden structure, and recited his lyrics.
And the music was astonishing. Excellent compositions and superb performances.

Did I like it?
I loved it.
"Over De Bergen" is about having dreams, about desire. It's about the little voice in your head that makes your life more interesting.
Check out for the remaining dates. You don't want to miss this.

The Rotterdam performance got recorded and has been released on Corrie's record label.

Highly recommended!!
Both the show and the album.

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